Mar 13, 2021

Active ECommerce CMS V4.1 Addons

 There are several steps to upload a product. Follow the instructions below,

a. Click on ‘ ’products’’ from the admin side.

b. Then “add new Products” button.

c. Product information - Need to fulfill the required field with proper data one by one.

i. General

1. Insert a product name.

2. Select a category from the dropdown list

3. Select a sub category.

4. Select a sub sub category.

5. Select a brand.

6. Insert the product unit like pc, kg, ltr etc.

7. Insert the product’ s Minimum quantity

8. Input single/multiple words for product tag and press enter.

9. Barcode

ii. Images

1. Main images - Preferable size 700 x 700.

2. Thumbnail images - Preferable size 350 x 350

iii. Video

1. Select one option from youtube, vimeo, dailymotion.

2. Insert video link.

iv . Product Variation

1. You can select multiple colors.

2. Choose the attributes of this product and then input values of each


v . Product price + stock

-Insert base price of the product.

-Insert the purchase price of the product.

-Add product tax. Select “Flat” or “Percent” from the right option and insert the

value in the left box.

-Discount - Add product discount(if available). Select “Flat” or “Percent” from the

right option and insert the value in the left box.

-Variant wise price - If the options are added at the “customer choice” tab then

this section will appear . Input the variant wise price.

-Click on save.

vi. Product Description

Write the description of the product. You can add any image or video in this

description box.

vii. Product Shipping Cost

Add shipping cost on the field.

viii. PDF Specification

Pdf upload option(if available).

ix. SEO Meta  T ags- This section for social media sharing.

1. Meta title - Write a title which will appear on a shared link.

2. Description - Write a short description which will appear on a shared link.

3. Meta image - Upload a single image for shared link.

File Name: Multiple Addon File Size: 2MB
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