Apr 9, 2019

Smart Hospital Management System

System Requirements

To installing Smart School, Your web server must be running PHP 5.4 or higher upto 7.1 (PHP 7.2 or higher does not support due to Mcrypt extension. If you want to use PHP 7.2 then you should install Mcrypt php extension additionally), and Mysql 5.1 or higher. We have tested it with Windows, Mac and Linux but for optimum performance we will recommend to use Linux with Apache webserver. Below are a list of items you should ensure your host can comply with.
  • PHP 5.4+
  • MYSQL 5.1+
  • mod_rewrite Apache
  • MBString Extension
  • MYSQLi Extension
  • Zip Extension
  • CURL Extension (recommended)
  • * In most hosting accounts, these extensions are enabled by default. But you should check with your hosting provider.

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  1. i need smart hospital management software source code sir?
