Feb 14, 2025

HMS (hotel management system) Module for UltimatePOS


Features in HMS Module:

  • Booking
  1. Adding and booking rooms along with amenities.
  2. Adding price for rooms based on dates and number of guests.
  3. Mark the bookings in the calendar sheet.
  • Room Management and Pricing
  1. Adding details and price for extras.
  2. Reserve rooms as unavailable.
  3. Adding coupons with coupon codes and discounts.
  • Dashboard and Reports
  1. Generating Reports.
  2. Dashboard with all details.
  • Notifications
  1. Sending automatic notifications to customers on booking.

Adding rooms in the HMS Module:

Rooms can be added to the HMS module with the following details

  • Accommodation type
  • Maximum number of Adults/Children
  • Maximum number of Occupancy
  • Custom room number
  • Selecting Amenities
  • Description

To add a room, follow the steps below

Steps 1: Navigate to the Rooms tab in the HMS module( HMS module > Rooms)

Step 2: Click the Add button.

Step 3: Provide the required details as mentioned above and click save.

Setting price for rooms:

For each type of room added, the price can be set.
Price can be set based on three categories.

Setting default price for rooms:

While setting the default price, this price is applicable for all days of the week.

Setting different prices for each day of the week:

Sometimes the price may vary for each day, for example during the weekend the price can be higher than weekdays.
For this purpose, you can click the check box, Set different prices for each day of the week, and set different prices.

Setting different prices based on number of guests:

Sometimes the price may vary based on the number of guests.
For this purpose, you can click the check box, Set different prices based on the number of guests, and set the prices.

In order to set the price, follow the below steps

Steps 1: Navigate to the Prices tab in the HMS module( HMS module > Prices)

Step 2: Select the room for which the price needs to be set.

Step 3: For each day/guest provide the price in the relevant fields provided.

Booking rooms in the HMS module:

Rooms can be booked by providing the customer and payment details.

While booking rooms coupon codes can be added to get the benefit of coupon discounts.

To add a room,

To add a room, follow the steps below

Steps 1: Navigate to the Booking tab in the HMS module(HMS module > Booking)

Step 2: Click the Add button.

Step 3: Provide the required details and click save.

Calendar Screen:

Bookings can be directly marked on specific dates in the calendar screen. On clicking on specific dates, it will directly take you to the ‘Add Booking’ page.


Some customers may avail some extra features during booking, like charges for transportation or food. Such charges can be added under ‘extras’.

If these extras are selected while booking rooms the price added for such features will be added to the amount for the room.

Extras can be applied under certain conditions.

  • Per Day – The amount added for extra will be applicable for a day (For example, the amount of food is $25 per day)
  • Per Booking – The amount added for extra will be applicable for the whole booking (For example, the amount of food is $25 in total for that booking, irrespective of the days)
  • Per Person – The amount added for extra will be applicable for each person added to the booking (For example, the amount of food is $25 for 1 person. If 2 persons are added then the amount for food will be calculated as $50)
  • Per Day/Per Person – The amount added for extra will be applicable for a day for one person (For example, the amount of food is $25 per day for one person. If 2 persons are added for two days then the amount for food will be calculated as $100 )

Reserve rooms as unavailable:

For reserving rooms before booking them, you can use this feature.

In the Unavailable tab, press the Add button. Here you can provide the room number and dates on which they are reserved.
Once the added date period has elapsed, the room will be automatically made available.


A coupon code discount can be provided while booking rooms.
To add the coupon code and discount amount, use the Coupon Tab.
The coupon code can be added while booking rooms and the discount amount will be deducted from the actual amount during payment.


Reports on total bookings confirmed, canceled, and pending, the number of guests who arrived, etc can be viewed in the Reports Screen.


For each room, additional amenities like AC, extra cots, etc can be added here.

To add amenities, follow the steps below

Steps 1: Navigate to the Amenities tab in the HMS module(HMS module > Amenities)

Step 2: Click the Add button.

Step 3: Provide the name of the amenity and description. Click save.

Customer Email Notifications:

Email notifications can be sent to customers, on booking a room. This will help users to have the booking details on their own device as an intimation.

To enable it, Go to the settings Tab. Here you can find the Available Tags to be added to the email body.
You can also add customized text along with the available tags.

For sending automatic notifications, enable the “Auto Send Email” check box.


Feb 13, 2025

ETEA Aggregate Marks Calculator For Education Jobs In KPK

ETEA Aggregate Marks Calculator For Education Jobs In KPK

ETEA Aggregate Marks Calculator KPESE

Calculate your Aggregate Marks for education jobs in KPK with the ETEA Aggregate Marks Calculator online. Easily input your academic details and get your aggregate score.

Check Your Aggregate Marks

Special thanks to Waqas Maqbool (developer of waqasmaqbool.com) for creating this Academic Score Calculator to facilitate students. Follow Our Waqas Maqbool page for more updates.

Manufacturing Addon in Ultimate POS

Installing the Manufacturing Module:


  1. Unzip the file downloaded zip file. Inside that, you will find “Manufacturing” directory.
  2. Go to UltimatePOS installed directory in your server. There you will find a folder named “Modules” (on the same level as app or bootstrap directory). If this folder is not present then create “Modules” folder (Make sure the folder name is exactly “Modules” with “M” in capital case). It should be inside the POS codebase, at the same level as the “public” folder. (NOT inside public folder)
  3. Upload or Cut-Paste the  “Manufacturing” directory inside this “Modules” directory.
  4. Open .env file. Inside that, you will find “ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAMES” configuration. Add the superadmin/administrator username in this option. If already added then skip this step.
    For example, if “user1” is superadmin then:
  5. Login with superadmin (username which is added in step 4). After login, you will able to see the manufacturing menu present in the sidebar. If not present them make sure the above steps are followed properly.
  6. If your pos is installed in www.example.com then go to www.example.com/manufacturing/install
  7. Enter the license key & username which you can get from the steps in the documentation linked.
  8. It will process for a few minutes and the installation success message will be displayed.

Great, the installation is successfully completed.


  1. Download the new version from https://ultimatefosters.com
  2. Extract/Unzip the Zip file.
  3. Inside the “Manufacturing-(SaaS-compatible)-V” folder you will find a “Manufacturing” folder.
  4. Open your cPanel or DirectAdmin or FTP (Filezilla) or localhost, and go to the Modules folder.
  5. Delete the existing “Manufacturing” module from your folder on your server.
  6. Upload the new downloaded “Manufacturing” module.
  7. Log in with your superadmin or Administrator account in POS.
  8. Run this URL in your browser:
    http://yourwebsite.com/manufacturing/install/update or if you’re using a sub-domain:
    It will run for a few minutes and show a success message.
  9. You can view the version number of the manufacturing module in the messages screen.

Using manufacturing module

Creating Recipe:

  1. To add a new recipe, go to Manufacturing -> Recipe
  2. Click on the Add button, it will open a popup,
  3. Choose Product: select the product for which you want to add a recipe
  4. Copy from recipe: (optional) choose the product whose recipe will be copied to the chosen product. You can use this option to quickly copy a recipe from another product & make small changes as required.
  5. Add all ingredients/raw materials, wastage percentage & final quantity.
    The wastage percentage mentioned here is wastage for the raw ingredients which happens when the ingredient is cleaned, for example in cabbage some % is wasted when leaves & stems are removed. If the raw materials you’re using don’t have wastage you can keep it 0 %, which is the default.
    Raw Ingredients: Raw ingredients are taken from the list of products. You can mark a raw ingredient as “Not For Sale” if it is not used for selling individually. For example, Some Raw ingredients like butter can be sold, some cannot be.
  6. Wastage %:  Enter the wastage for the final product which can happen because of bad quality or other reasons.
  7. Total Output Quantity: Output quantity for which you entered the recipe.
  8. Production Cost: Check the production cost as described below.
  9. Recipe Instructions: Steps to be followed for the production of the final product from ingredients.

Production Cost:

  1. Fixed: If cost is fixed then a fixed amount will be used as production cost.
  2. Percentage: If percentage then the percentage of ingredients cost is taken as production cost.
  3. Per Unit: In this case, the total production cost is multiplied by the total output quantity

Adding Production:

  1. To add production go to Manufacturing -> Add Production
  2. Reference No: Optional reference number, you can keep it blank to auto-generate it.
  3. Business Location: Select the business location where production is done. Raw ingredients stocks will be deducted from this location & final manufactured product stock will be added to this location.
  4. Product: Select the product for manufacturing. based on selected product it will display all the Raw ingredients from recipe added.
  5. Quantity: Quantity of final product to manufactured. Based on this Raw ingredients quantity will be calculated from recipe.
  6. Input Quantity: Input quantity raw ingredients which will be used for production.
  7. Wastage Percent: Waste percentage of raw ingredients. For example, if you took Cabbage 1 KG, and 200 grams is wastage then wastage percentage is 20%, so 800 grams will be the final quantity.
  8. Final quantity: Input Quantity – Wastage Percent
  9. Wasted Quantity: Wastage quantity of final product for any reason.
  10. Production Cost: Check the production cost as described below.
  11. Finalize checkbox: Check this checkbox to finalize the production, this will remove the stock of raw ingredients & add stocks for the manufactured products. After finalizing the production cannot be edited.

Changes in Material(Item) Quantity during Production:

When production is done for a product, the quantity of raw materials gets reduced.

For example, for adding production of 1 packet of Chocolate Milk Shake. The raw materials used here are 1 packet of milk and 1 packet of bar chocolate.
When production is added for this product(Chocolate Milk Shake) and finalized, the following changes happen in product quantity.

  1. The quantity of milk gets decreased by 1 packet.
  2. The quantity of bar chocolate gets decreased by 1 packet.
  3. The quantity of Chocolate Milk Shake gets increased by 1 packet.

NOTE: These changes happen for just one time when the production is added.

Update Product Price:

The price of the ingredients added to the recipe will change often. For example, the price of milk added as an ingredient to the recipe Chocolate Milk Shake is increased.

Similarly, there may be an increase or decrease in the price of ingredients added to the recipe. This price change can be easily updated to the ingredients by using the Update Price Button.

Follow the steps below to update the price.

Step 1: Go to Manufacturing Module > Recipe Tab.
Step 2: Select the recipes for which there would be a change in the price of ingredients.
Step 3: Click on the Update Price Button present below.

Profit Calculation for Manufactured Products:

For the products added as manufactured products, the profit will be calculated from the manufacturing cost. The manufacturing cost plus the profit margin(if added) will be the selling price for that product.

The profit is not calculated from the Purchase Price. So the purchase price for manufactured products can be set to any value which will not be considered in calculation.


  1. Production Ref No. prefix: Prefix number when production reference number is auto-generated.
  2. Disable editing ingredients quantity: Disable editing of ingredients when adding production, this can help to restrict staff from editing raw ingredients


New permission for View/Add/Edit for recipe & production will be available when creating a role.

SaaS Module Compatibility:

If you have the SaaS module installed & Manufacturing-SaaS-Compatibility installed then you will see options when creating packages to Enable/Disable the manufacturing module in it. Not all businesses are manufacturers, so having a different package for it helps you to provide functionality as per the business requirements.

Using Manufacturing Module for Repackaging and Selling:

Sometimes, instead of manufacturing, businesses may repack raw materials and sell them in smaller quantities.

For example, a business may purchase oil in tones/liters/containers and repackage it to 1 liter, 500ml, 250ml, etc and sell them.

To achieve this follow the steps below
Step 1: Add the required  product in each quantity using the add product feature

In our example,

Add the products as PD1 – Oil(tones/liters/containers), PD2 – Oil(1 litre), PD3 – Oil( 500ml), PD4 Oil (250 ml).
Mark the main product, Oil purchased in tones/liters/containers as “Not for Selling”.

Step 2: Add the Recipe

In our example,

Add the recipe for Oil – 1 litre, Oil – 500ml, and Oil – 250 ml.
Use the main product(Oil purchased in tones/liters/containers) as the ingredient.
The ingredient used for PD2 – Oil(1 liter) should be 1 liter of main product i.e, PD1 – Oil(tones/liters/containers)
Save the recipe.
Similarly, add the recipe for each required quantity.

Step 3: Add the Production for the recipe

Add the production for the added recipe in step 2.

Step 4: Add Sale

Now you can sell the product PD2 – Oil(1 liter) from the add sale/POS screen


Aug 7, 2024

How to install ultimate POS on live server efficiently


Installing in Livehost:

  1. In case you want to install the system in hosting, here are the steps:
    • 3.0 Make sure the URL of application is like www.yourwebsite.com or any-subdomain.yourwebsite.com  for better experience. Installing in folders like www.yourwebsite.com/any-folder-name/pos is not recommended.
    • 3.1 Upload the extracted POS zip file (all files & folders inside UltimatePOS-CodeBase) in the server document root.
      • To upload the file you can use FTP client like filezilla (https://filezilla-project.org/)
      • Or you can upload it directly by logging into your cPanel (or direct admin) & going to file manager.
    • 3.3 Open your website http://your-pos-website.com/install or http://your-pos-website.com/public/install
    • 3.4 Make sure all shows a Green-Tick. If there is something with Red-Cross then fix it and refresh the page to check again. After all Green-Tick click on “Go to Next Step”
    • 3.5 Follow the installation instructions as displayed in screen.
    • 3.6 You will see the installation page as given below or if shows some error then check debugging errors notes given below.
    • 3.7 After all installation is done, Go inside public folder and delete the install folder present.
  2. “Doing some pre-installation checkup.” Screen: Make sure all are marked with Green-Tick  then click on “Next Step”

    On clicking “Next Step” it will go to the Installation screen as shown below in step 5.

    Not Found Error: 
    If it shows a not found error after clicking on the “Next Step” link then try changing the link as below:
    – www.yourwebsite.com/public/index.php/install-start
    (to remove index.php from the URL make sure you have mod_rewrite enabled, contact your hosting for more details)
  3. POS installation screen:

    Read the instructions. it says to keep all your information ready for next step, like database details, email configuration, envato purchase code .

  4. Click on next “Let’s Go”. It will check your server. If all of them are green then you’re ready for next step, else install the PHP library missing. After everything looks correct it will show a green sign.“You must type a file name” Error in windows: Check the steps mentioned at the end  with heading – (creating a hidden file in windows)
  5. Click on “Install” after this and wait for a few minutes to process (1 to 10 minutes depends on hosting)
  6. It will display an install success screen.

Aug 6, 2024

Installing Ultimate POS on Localhost:


Server requirements

Make sure your server meets the following requirements:

  1. PHP Version – UltimatePOS Version 5 or higher  PHP >= 8.1
  2. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  3. PDO PHP Extension
  4. Mbstring PHP Extension
  5. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  6. XML PHP Extension
  7. cURL PHP Extension
  8. Zip PHP Extension
  9. GD PHP Extension

Server Recommendation

  • Ultimate POS can be installed in Localhost.
  • If you want to make it accessible online- We recommend using Cloud host – as it provides better flexibility or control of the server. You can use AWS or Digital Ocean or search for some others. Our demo site is set up on the Digital Ocean.
  • You can also use Shared hosting. Like for example BigRocks, NameCheap, GoDaddy etc.
  1. After downloading, extract the file onto your desktop using a zip software (like winzip or winrar or something else ) as shown below.

Installing in Localhost:

  1. In case you want to install the system locally, here are the steps:
    • 2.1 Download & Install a server like WAMP(for Windows) or XAMP(for windows or Linux) or something else as per your preference having Apache or nginx server.
    • 2.2 Go to the htdocs folder.  htdocs folder is commonly present inside the xamp/htdocs.
    • 2.3 Copy the codebase folder (For example UltimatePOS-CodeBase-V2.8.1) present inside the unzipped file in step 1.
    • 2.4 Rename the folder to UltimatePOS. (For example: UltimatePOS-CodeBase-V2.8.1 to UltimatePOS)
    • 2.5 Now open http://localhost/UltimatePOS/install or http://localhost/UltimatePOS/public/install
      Here you will see a screen with “Doing some pre-installation checkup…”
    • 2.6 Make sure all checks are shows as Green-Tick. If there is something with Red-Cross then fix it and refresh the page to check again. After all Green-Tick click on “Go to Next Step”
    • 2.7 Follow the installation instructions as displayed in the screen.
    • 2.8 After all installation is done, Go inside public folder and delete the install folder present.

Jul 7, 2024

School Management System for Wordpress

 School Management System Plugin for wordpress is ideal way to manage complete school operation. The system has different access rights for Admin, Teacher, Student and Parent.

Jul 4, 2024

How to make Website in smart school software


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<h3>Stella Roffin</h3>

<span class="post">Drawing Teacher</span></div>



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<h3>Princy Flora</h3>

<span class="post">English Tutor</span></div>



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<h3 class="title">Jesica Matt</h3>

<span class="post">Art Teacher</span></div>



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<h3 class="title">Janaton Doe</h3>

<span class="post">Math Teacher</span></div>









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<h2 class="text-white">WHAT PEOPLE SAYS</h2>

<p>Fusce sem dolor, interdum in efficitur at, faucibus nec lorem. Sed nec molestie justo.</p>

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<h4>Sidney W. Yarber</h4>


<p>Etiam non elit nec augue tempor gravida et sed velit. Aliquam tempus eget lorem ut malesuada. Phasellus dictum est sed libero posuere dignissim.</p>





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<h4>Kayla H. Seaman</h4>

<h5>Co &amp; Founder</h5>

<p>Etiam non elit nec augue tempor gravida et sed velit. Aliquam tempus eget lorem ut malesuada. Phasellus dictum est sed libero posuere dignissim.</p>





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<h4>Terence M. Witzel</h4>


<p>Etiam non elit nec augue tempor gravida et sed velit. Aliquam tempus eget lorem ut malesuada. Phasellus dictum est sed libero posuere dignissim.</p>





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<p>Etiam non elit nec augue tempor gravida et sed velit. Aliquam tempus eget lorem ut malesuada. Phasellus dictum est sed libero posuere dignissim.</p>






